Sunday 21 February 2010

Pickling Virgin..............

Project 4

After helping Dreamer last time to make bread and butter pickles, Holiday Boy enjoyed them so much, so I decided to make a batch of my own. This is my first atempt at preserving, but, with help from Dreamer, I had my initiation in the preserving department. We prepared the veggies (hard work but fun) and salted them. They need to stand for at least 2 hours to allow the excess fluid to bleed from the veggies.
After the 2 hours the veggies were washed under running water to remove the salt. Vinegar, spices and sugar were brought to the boil in a large saucepan and the veggies were added and allowed to boil until the onions become slightly transparent. In the meantime............... we washed and steralised jars and lids and then came the messy bit...........filling the jars.
And at last Holiday Boy will have a supply of bread and butter pickles. My masterpiece....shame he wants to eat them all................


  1. ~you make it seem so simple...will have to try as my husband eats pickles like theres no tomorrow! brightest blessings and hats off to you for trying and succeeding in something new~

  2. Honestly, I am in awe of all these great projects. So many of them are things on my list too! My sister-in-law lives a few hours a way and she is a soul sister in the crafts department. She cans all sorts of things like tomato sauce, apple sauce and fruit preserves. At some point in time this year we are going to have ourselves a girls weekend and I'm going to learn how to preserve some things. Your veggies look delicious!

  3. Thank you for your lovely comments. The pickles taste lovely and I enjoyed making much as I'll enjoy eating them.

    I love doing the projects and have so many in my head I want to do. Only problem............I want to do them all at once.

    Have fun......

  4. Yummy! Even if you don't eat them, they look so pretty to just sit in the kitchen!

  5. Oh.My.God. I LOVE pickles. Oh Jane........

  6. mmmmm....I've been dreaming of gardening and's getting me through the winter :-)

  7. Hi friend
    Enjoyed our project time together this weekend.You are now no longer a pickle virgin lol xxx

  8. I too had a lovely time....However, I have been informed that I can go on our adventures again as long as I DON'T make any more pickles LOL.......

  9. oh man, my husband would love this! Might be a good way to justify all my time online and crafting ... "look honey what I made for you!"

    thanks for the inspiration :)

  10. Hi Lis, it certainly is a way into your mans' heart.....through his is with my man. They are really easy and good fun to make as well as being yummmmmmmmmmmmy. Go for it girl!! He'll love them. A very useful craft...

  11. I've never done anything like that before. My mum would though!! That must be one happy man you have on your hands!
