Wednesday 13 January 2010

Guess What...............

Another moan. Guess what, more snow.......

My life, at the moment, seems to be concerned with SNOW!!!!!! what a sad life I must have.

I have lots to look forward to. In Feb I will be going to my friends cottage again and when the white stuff goes, I shall be visiting my family in Hyde. Not just yet because the roads are bad due to the weather. I am looking forward to both visits.

I love the cottage because it offers an oasis of calm for me away from the rat race. Time goes so slowly there and it gives me the chance to commune with nature, figuatively speaking.

At my family in Hyde, I get the chance to meet up with May, who is the wife of my grandmothers' cousin. It's great meeting up with her because she can tell me lots about the family. See my Family Tree Blog.....

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