Sunday 7 March 2010



Today I spent some time tidying up my rockery. There are bulbs just peeping their heads out of the ground ready to turn their faces to a lovely spring sun. There is no warmth in the ground, so I am suprised that they want to come out to play!!!!

Plants are donning their spring colours, preparing for the spring sunshine. The weather gave us a taste of that today, although it was cold, the sun shone and tried to warm the ground. It has been a beautiful day, the best for a long time. I hope it continues...........

These are the new plants I bought today, tete e tete daffodills and flag iris. They are lovely flowers and very strong, so soon I hope to have a colourful display on my rockery. I also put in a row of crocosmia, multi coloured, between my purgola and fence. They should offer a lovely display, their heads nodding in the afternoon sun. I can't wait. I just have to be carefull that the field mice don't steal them!!!

Well, I stole my friends idea and thought I would try to grow potatoes on my patio. However, I think i'll need to buy better containers, which I will do within the next few weeks. In the meantime, we'll try it this way..........

I look forward to be able to plant out a new herb container garden in the near future. Although I have a large garden, I couldn't maintain it if I turned it over to growing veggies and my gardener would have a fit. He does my garden because I find it difficult, but patio containers seem a really good idea.

I love this time of year when winter becomes a memory and we welcome the new spring. The plants have new buds on them, a taste of lovely things to come. I have many roses in my garden and I look forward to their lovely colours, from yellows to deep oranges and tender pinks to deep, blood reds.

My garden brings my mum and grandmother to mind. They loved carnation pinks and I have two plants in my garden which should soon produce those lovely, fragrant flowers.

This winter has seemed very long and we have been unable to do anything in the garden. I now look forward to long, warm days (I wish) sitting in the garden, enjoying the sights, smells and sounds of spring and summer...........perhaps (LOL)


  1. Wonderful project! I too have been thinking about my kitchen herb garden. This year I want to grow TONS of sage and some basil and dill. I keep it just outside my kitchen door where it thrives in the sun and allows me to get to it easily while I'm cooking. Happy Sunday!

  2. Thanks. This is a first for me but my friend grows potatoes in grow bags, so I thought I'd give it a go. I can't wait to do the herbs which will be fun.......

  3. Cool, I can't wait to get nicer weather to start trimming and planting :) I can't wait for your pictures with lots of potatoes and flowers!

  4. Great that you made a start on the veg growing, those pots will be fine for the spuds, don't forgetto earth them up a few times as they grow for more potatoes,rememberingto leave the growing tip a couple of inches clear each time.
    I had lots of things planned for today in the greenhouse etc then had a bad afternoon healthwise and only just having dinner now, will need to catch up on my project tomorrow :(

  5. Yea for gardening! I am looking forward to all things blooming this spring.

  6. Thanks all, finders crossed.......

  7. Ooh, how exciting that things are growing and days are getting warmer. I loved just reading "ready to turn their faces to the lovely spring sun", so thanks for that turn of phrase. I've been using sage like crazy lately, so I'm also going to plant some this year.

  8. This is definitely a project that is needed on my end! Gardening is very rarely on the top of the list of things to do.

    Well done on beginning to take on spring in the garden. I, for one, am glad for the emerging winter rains so i don't have to water so often! :)
